Monday, 28 May 2012

Ghost Or Ancestor

Real Ghost Stories

Ghost Or Ancestor

This story is based on an island in Fiji. I used to go there during holidays but never have I experienced this in my life.
We are of a fishing family and we usually collect bait at night in the mangroves when the tide is coming in.
One night about midnight My 2 cousins accompanied me fishing. As all we Fijians love reggae, we started to sing reggae songs loudly in the midst of the mangroves. After about 20 minutes there was a pin drop silence in between the mangroves. We all headed for the roads and as we entered the edge of it, a shower of pebble rocks started to come right at us but didn't actually hit us, so we run; running at least 200 meters, we stopped to catch our breath and as we were teenagers it was more of an adventure then spooky to us.
We started heading towards home and as we walked passing a roadside farm, we saw this man with a warrior like look staring at us, this really spooked us but thinking it was someone from village we never gave it attention. As soon as we started walking again we saw the warrior slowly disappearing. After seeing this we dashed home at a speed we have never ran before and after that we never spoke about it again.
Next night we went to other side to collect bait. Passing the graveyard never gave us a fright because we grew up near it, and upon returning we passed the grave yard again and my cousins seemed to stick closer to me and held my tee shirt. I didn't mind because we are always playing around. As soon as we passed the graveyard, both my cousins took a sigh of relief and upon questioning them, they told me they saw the same warrior again but this time with a spear, getting spooked again upon hearing his appearance, I asked them why they held my tee shirt, they told me that I was a 100 meter sprinter and I would run off and leave them behind.
After the freakish night we all headed home and as we went to bed I felt as if someone was staring at me from the trees. It seemed like a shadow and gradually disappeared.
Now whenever I am at my island home I sense someone is watching me from the tree next to my window. I will be heading for island home again this year I hope it does not happen again...

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