Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Fishing is such a drag

Fishing is such a drag

Monster catfish pulled boat for a mile

Uli Schuppler and Stefan Seuss hold the monster catfish
Huge ... Uli Schuppler and Stefan Seuss hold the monster catfish

A MONSTER fish dragged three men in a boat nearly a MILE down a river as they battled to land it.

The anglers hooked the huge catfish on the River Po in Italy, but when the creature from the deep took their bait it started to ‘run’ with it.
The men leapt from the bank into a motorised dinghy, but were powerless to act as the Wels catfish pulled them along for an hour.
After taking them one mile the exhausted beast gave up and the fishermen — German anglers Stefan Seuss, 31, Uli Schuppler and Patrick Nimz — were able to guide it into the shallows.
After it was caught the fish weighed in at a mighty 218lbs and measured 7ft 8ins.
Tour guide Stefan said: “It was the hardest fight from a catfish I have ever witnessed.
“When a fish runs off like that we have no choice but to follow it. We followed it down the river in a little boat.
“It dragged us along for 1.5km and there was little we could do but hold on until it tired. It was quite a fight.”
The fish was more than 30lbs off the official world record for a Wels catfish.
That was caught in the same river in 2010 by Roberto Godi and weighed in at 250lbs 3ozs.
After capturing their catch on film the men returned it safe and well back to the water.
Stefan, from Birkenau near Frankfurt, works for Team Black Cat which runs fishing tours to the River Po.

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