Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Avet SX 2 Speed

Avet SX 2 Speed
Two Speed Model, Gear Ratio H6.3:1, L3.8:1
  • Lever Drag control system with pre-set drag feature.
  • 9 lb Max Drag on Strike with Free Spool.
  • New cast control system only available from Avet Reels.
  • 100% machined, Type 2 anodized, True-One piece aluminum frame.
  • 8 stainless steel ball bearings.
  • Stainless steel fasteners, springs, clips.
  • Stronger design with larger line capacity in its class.
  • All new revolutionary, extremely stable AveDrag drag washer with smooth control
  • at all conditions.

Avet SX 2 Speed




Something fishy about this catch

Something fishy about this catch
Angler Mark Sawyer was left reeling when he caught a bizarre 'Frankenstein' fish that appears to be made up from three different species while fishing for carp at Magpie Lake in Cambridge.
Catch ... the bizarre Frankenstein fish caught in Cambridge
Published: 28th May 2012

ANGLER Mark Sawyer was left reeling when he caught a bizarre ‘Frankenstein’ fish.

Mark, 53, the tackle editor for trade magazine the Angling Times, says the fish appears to be made up from three different species.
He said: “The fish appears to have the head of a roach, the body and tail of a brown goldfish and the anal fin of a bream.”
He made the freak catch while fishing for carp at Magpie Lake in Cambridge.

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King of herrings


King of Herrings
Taxidermied specimen of Regalecus glesne in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien.
Scientific classification
Species:R. glesne
Binomial name
Regalecus glesne
Ascanius, 1772
Synonyms [1]
  • Cephalepis octomaculatus Rafinesque, 1810
  • Cepola gladius Walbaum, 1792
  • Gymnetrus ascanii Shaw, 1803
  • Gymnetrus banksii Valenciennes, 1835
  • Gymnetrus capensis Valenciennes, 1835
  • Gymnetrus gladius Valenciennes, 1835
  • Gymnetrus grillii Lindroth, 1798
  • Gymnetrus hawkenii Bloch, 1795
  • Gymnetrus longiradiatus Risso, 1820
  • Gymnetrus telum Valenciennes, 1835
  • Regalecus banksii (Valenciennes, 1835)
  • Regalecus caudatus Zugmayer, 1914
  • Regalecus jonesii Newman, 1860
  • Regalecus masterii De Vis, 1891
  • Regalecus pacificus Haast, 1878
  • Regalecus remipes Brünnich, 1788
The king of herrings or giant oarfish, an oarfish of the family Regalecidae, is the world's longest bony fish. Rarely sighted, it is found in all the world's oceans at depths from 300 to 1,000 metres (984 to 3,281 ft). Most sightings have been in the north Atlantic, with most specimens found either dead or dying in shallow waters.[2]
The king of herrings is neither a true herring nor a close relative. According to the Great Book of Animals, its name comes from its crownlike appendages and from being sighted near shoals of herring, which fishermen thought were being guided by this fish.[2] It is scaleless, ribbon-shaped and silvery with a long, red dorsal fin.[2]


Regalecus glesne's specific epithet (glesne) is derived from the farm of Glesnæs[3], or the small village of Glesvær[4], on the west coat of Norway, where the first registered oarfish observation was made by the Dane Ascanius in 1765 and 1769.


1895 illustration of Regalecus glesne.
The king of herrings is the world's longest bony fish.[5] Its total length has been documented to reach 17 m (56 ft), and it can weigh up to 300 kg (661 lb). Its length and bizarre appearance are presumed to be responsible for some sea serpent sightings.[6]


Navy SEALs display a 23-foot (7.0-metre) giant oarfish, Regalecus glesne (Regalecidae), caught in 1996 off Coronado, California, USA
In May 2010, a dead 3 m specimen was found off the coast of Sweden. The last time one had been reported in Swedish waters was in 1879.[7]
On December 10 2010, a live specimen of four meters was found on the south coast of Sinaloa state in Mexico. One of the fisherman who captured it said it might be the devil and feared it might swallow them.[8]
On April 6 2011, a live specimen measuring 3.5 m was found off the east coast of Taiwan, nearly a month after the devastating tsunami hit Japan in March. Taiwanese fishermen believed that it surfaced to the shallow water because of the earthquake in Japan. They gave it the nickname: Earthquake Fish.[9]


Regalecus juvenile

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KITA berdepan dengan kenaikan harga petrol dan diesel yang sangat mendadak. Ini memberi kesan kepada kehidupan harian kita. Ia termasuk membabitkan pemancing yang turut berbelanja agak besar untuk melakukan hobi ini. Penggunaan petrol atau diesel membabitkan penggunaan kereta atau motosikal dan bot. Jadi, ketika melakukan hobi ini biarlah berpada-pada.

Jika dulu saban hari keluar memancing sama ada dengan menyewa bot atau memandu bot sendiri, mungkin mulai sekarang anda perlu mengehadkan kepada dua kali seminggu. Kalau sebelum ini tiga kali seminggu, sekarang anda hanya perlu memancing sekali seminggu.Kenaikan harga petrol kepada RM2.70 seliter akan menyebabkan banyak lagi kenaikan kepada hampir semua barangan dan perkhidmatan. Sudah pasti harga sewa bot pun naik.

Harga masuk ke kolam pancing juga naik kerana bekalan ikan dikatakan semakin berkurangan dan terlalu mahal. Jadi, untuk mengimbangi kekerapan keluar memancing yang semakin sedikit dengan ikan yang disasarkan maka Sang Bedal menyarankan pemancing lebih banyak menuntut ilmu.

Dalam kaedah, teknik dan petua untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak ikan. Andai selama ini anda memperoleh seekor ikan setiap hari ketika keluar memancing maka carilah ilmu bagaimana anda boleh memancing empat ekor ikan sehari tetapi untuk dua kali memancing. Jika anda tidak cukup berilmu untuk memancing maka ternyata selama ini anda memancing dalam keadaan yang tidak efisyen, membazir dan memancing secara ‘membuta tuli’ atau hentam keromo atau bahasa kasarnya ‘main belasah’ saja.

Bayangkan, berapa banyak kerugian wang ringgit, tenaga, masa dan tumpuan anda bazirkan semata-mata kerana menjadi pemancing yang tidak berilmu. Ini kerana anda terpaksa berbelanja banyak tetapi hasilnya tidak memuaskan.
Kini sudah tiba masanya kita kena lebih berhemat, berjimat-cermat, berpada-pada dan beringat kerana kos petrol kereta atau motosikal anda untuk berulang-alik ke tempat kerja akan ‘memakan’ peruntukan untuk membeli makanan, membayar sewa dan bil rumah tangga. jadi peruntukan atau bajet untuk memancing harus dikecilkan tetapi efisyen atau berbaloi.

Nasihat Sang Bedal, kurangkan belanja untuk memancing kerana anda perlu berbelanja lebih banyak untuk keluarga. Jangan kerana melakukan hobi, kita mengabaikan perbelanjaan untuk anak dan isteri sehingga keperluan mereka terabai. Akhirnya rumah dan anak berantakan! Ketika itu, barulah anda menyesal tetapi sudah terlambat.

Dipetik Dari:   Akhbar Joran, Berita harian. via.